Mexico Calls for Disarming Gringos

Originally published by

USA – “Mexico’s Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu on Monday asked the U.S. Congress to restrict the sale of assault weapons as ‘they cause harm on both sides of the border,” China’s Xinhua News Agency reports. “Ruiz Massieu made this call at the Second Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.”

Citing the “news” arm of the PRC…? The government that has called U.S. gun ownership a “human rights violation”…?*  What gives?

U.S. establishment networks and the major papers, evidently don’t consider this “newsworthy.” And with their exhaustively documented sins of commission and omission, especially when it comes to guns, what makes them different from state-run propaganda efforts,

It’s no surprise that Clinton’s political incentive is to keep the border porous, and to usher in more new “pathway to citizenship” Democrats. If she wins the presidency, federal and Supreme Court appointments will be hers to make, and you’d better believe an upheld “assault weapon” ban, along with a reversal of Heller and McDonald, will be tops on her agenda.

*  Note asterisked links may load very slowly — they are originally from the now-discontinued site, and are now only available via the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine.

Reprinted with permission from

The post Mexico Calls for Disarming Gringos appeared first on LewRockwell.

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