Electromagnetic Fields And Their Effects
‘Can you see and feel its effects in the air? Of course you can, but you don’t know how to identify it correctly! It’s all around us like an ocean of electromagnetic frequencies that we are swimming in, which are pulsed out from many more sources than we can begin to imagine and, more confoundedly, not accept that they are causing damage to all living elements, especially young children who are most vulnerable.
I’m talking about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or radiofrequencies (RFs), which have become so ubiquitous that we haven’t stopped to realize what’s been happening to us—especially children exposed to Wi-Fi in schools—and how trees [4] and other plant life are being damaged.
Where do these EMFs come from?
Microwaves that are emitted by cell phone and mast towers, cell phones, AMI smart meters for electric, natural gas and water utilities, microwave ovens, and all ‘smart’ appliances that contain ZigBee chips, which are two-way radio transmitters operating using microwave technologies.’
Read more: Electromagnetic Fields And Their Effects
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