Obama Is the Laughing Stock of the World — Dump Him Now!

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has added insult to injury to Barack Obama, announcing on Tuesday that he has cancelled the joint U.S.-Philippines patrols in the South China Sea, calling them needless provocations. What’s more, he has announced that he is dispatching his defense minister to Moscow and Beijing to begin talks about arms purchases from those two nations.

President Duterte’s actions, coming 24 hours after he announced that he was kicking the U.S. Special Forces out of Mindanao, should serve as a powerful message to President Barack Obama: You can’t spit in the face of world leaders and expect them to take it forever.

President Obama came back from his just-concluded final Asia tour to a torrent of criticisms for his outrageous behavior, in which he escalated the provocations against both Russia and China, bringing the United States closer to complete economic collapse and to a thermonuclear confrontation with Russia. Obama’s actions in Hangzhou were captured perfectly in a UPI story by Martin Sieff on Tuesday: “Weak men bluster and bluff, then imagine they are strong… That is what Obama did at the Group of 20 meeting… Obama stood up — in his own imagination — to Russia and China. In reality, he just plunged ahead on a course toward U.S. economic collapse through an endless clash with China. Even worse, he took another step on the road toward thermonuclear confrontation and world war with Russia… It plunges the United States and the American people far further down the road towards global war and existential crisis.”

Former US Ambassador Chas Freeman seconded that warning, noting in an interview with Sputnik News that Obama’s drone kill policy has “spread anti-Western terrorism with global reach to new corners of the globe.”

No sooner had he returned to Washington than Obama demonstrated that he was prepared to put his relationship with the Anglo-Saudi empire above any concern for the American people, by vowing to veto the JASTA bill, under which the families and survivors of the 9/11 attacks may sue the Saudi Royal Family for their support for the hijackers behind the worst terrorist atrocity on U.S. soil in history.

Obama has emerged as an isolated and reviled figure, in part, because the world is rapidly moving away from the British Empire geopolitics of permanent warfare and Malthusian genocide, which have been the hallmarks of the policies of the last two U.S. presidencies. Not only has the Philippines broken from Obama. The new Prime Minister of Vietnam was in Beijing for meetings with top Chinese leaders, including President Xi Jinping, and the two countries vowed to put their common interests above the areas of dispute and to settle the South China Sea issue through bilateral diplomacy. Russia and China have announced major new investments in energy infrastructure in India, Pakistan, and Turkey, and the New Development Bank of the BRICS nations has announced a ruble-denominated bond issue, for infrastructure investment in Russia. These kinds of initiatives are being announced virtually every day, and cumulatively, they represent the realization of the new paradigm of relations among the nations of the world.

The four concerts performed by the Schiller Institute Chorus in the New York-New Jersey area, commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, were attended by a total of 4,000 people, and the impact will be reverberating for some time to come. The new paradigm of “win-win” cooperation among nations can only come about with a revival of classical culture, which is the foundation of scientific discovery and a celebration of human creativity.

Obama is an enemy of humanity and his removal from office is entirely appropriate, even with just four months left in his Presidency. Are you prepared to put humanity at risk for one more day by tolerating Obama remaining in office?

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