Obama’s Doomsday: First JASTA, Next Glass-Steagall

Past Issues

By Michael Steger and Kesha Rogers

“‘But he hasn’t got anything on!’ the whole town cried out at last.

“The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, ‘This procession has got to go on.’ So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn’t there at all.”

September 21—Obama is nearing his own doomsday. Since the beginning of September, the international community has shamed him, exposed him as a fraud, and even called him a son-of-a-whore. Since the 70th anniversary of the U.N. General Assembly in September, 2015—and with special emphasis on Putin’s near-miracle intervention against Obama-backed ISIS forces in Syria—China and Russia have taken the mantle of international leadership. In so doing, they have committed their shared efforts to international law, ending terrorism and the corresponding international drug trade and financial sponsors, and eradicating poverty through broadscale, long-term development.

Obama prepares himself for another disaster.

After nearly eight years of criminal fraud and economic malfeasance, war crimes, and extrajudicial murders, it is now time for the U.S. to reject the most failed and murderous President to sit in the Oval office. As this is written, the widows and families of the victims of the 9-11 terrorist attacks remain persistent in their efforts on Capitol Hill to override Obama’s threatened veto of the JASTA bill (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act). The Senators, with a sudden sign of life, are now describing the override vote as a fait accompli. How unthinkable, that the U.S. would tolerate a President who sides with Anglo-Saudi financial sponsors of the 9-11 attacks against the very families who lost their husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, and sons and daughters on that day fifteen years ago.

This week the Congress, in hearings on the systemic fraud of Wells Fargo (which implicitly includes all other Wall St. banks), called for criminal indictments of Wall St. executives for the first time since the 2008 crisis, when, under Obama, the U.S. provided major bailouts and golden parachutes to the most criminal institutions and individuals involved.

Now on the verge of a dangerous breakdown of diplomatic efforts between the U.S. and Russia over Syria, entirely due to the U.S. bombing of Syrian Army soldiers (a gross violation of international law), and the destruction, most likely by U.S. backed-terrorists, of an U.N. aid convoy—actions taken by a desperate Obama, who, facing international and national ridicule, looks to drive the world into nuclear war in retaliation for his own abject failings—we are reminded of the final actions of an isolated Adolf Hitler.

Now is the time to end Obama’s tragic Presidency. With Obama out, or similarly relegated, we have the power to create a New Presidency independent of both of the currently failed candidates, who most Americans already greatly abhor. Such a moment cannot be lost.

Free of Obama’s insanity, we can implement LaRouche’s FDR-inspired Four New Laws, and nothing short of a 1933 Ferdinand Pecora-style investigation will suffice. The Wall-Street Criminal bankers must be jailed and the big banks must be broken up with Glass-Steagall. Justice for the 9-11 families and for the nation as a whole means bankrupting the London-based terror apparatus.

As Mr. LaRouche recently stated, if Glass Steagall is not enacted, many more people will die on top of the scores of people who have already died as a result of the collapsing economy.

These steps, which will restore the necessary confidence in the powers of government, should be followed with the restoration of a Hamiltonian National Banking System, the definition of a federal credit policy focused on broadscale industrial development and infrastructure nationally, and the establishment of a crash program for fusion energy development and international cooperation on space exploration.

There is simply no need for an Emperor, or a British Queen, any longer.

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