The Saudi Treason Lobby Exposed

The Hill and other publications have provided a road map of what can only be properly described as Saudi Arabia’s treason lobby, targeting the U.S. Congress on behalf of the authors of 9/11 and all subsequent jihadist terrorism.

The Hill noted that the Saudis expanded their lobbying operations in Washington to $9.4 million in 2015, and have further increased their spending by hiring a number of new lobbying firms to work for them this year. One big outfit, Squire Patton Boggs, just signed a one-year contract worth $100,000/month, and the firm has assigned two former U.S. Senators — Trent Lott and John Breaux — to head the effort on behalf of the Saudi criminals. That contract, and the other new contract with Glover Park Group, is with the Center for Studies and Media Affairs of the Saudi Royal Court, according to The Hill account. A grand total of seven new firms have been hired in recent months, as the Saudis come to realize that they have become a hate object for the American public and for many in Washington — outside of the Obama White House.

One critical question that will be explored by EIR on Monday morning is whether this Saudi army of influence peddlers have all registered, as required by law, with the Justice Department’s Foreign Agents Registration Office, which maintains a public registry of foreign agents.

Given that the new contract with Squire Patton Boggs covers the next 12 months, it is fair to say that the Saudis are not confident that they will be able to sustain President Obama’s treasonous veto of JASTA, and that they will be facing a lot more problems in the coming year.

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