Check Your Gas Mask and Bomb Shelter

Since the situation with Vladimir Putin isn’t tense enough, the always cringeworthy Vice President Joe Biden has publically threatened Russia with a cyber attack.

Biden told NBC News:

‘We’re sending a message. We have the capacity to do it. It will be at the time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact.’U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News the CIA ‘had already begun opening cyber doors, selecting targets and making other preparations for an operation’.

When asked if the American people would know when the attack happened his response was “Hope not.”

Biden’s call for a cyber attack against Russia has been greeted with disbelief in Moscow.

Relations between Washington and Moscow are at their lowest ebb since the Cold War. Tensions over Syria and the Kremlin is concerned about Clinton becoming the next president due to her stance on Syria in general, and in particular, a no-fly zone that she has said she will impose should she be elected (which of course we all know is going to happen because that’s what the political elite in the United States wants and it’s what the United Nations wants.) For anyone who hasn’t heard the no-fly zone would apply to Syria and Russia but not to the US and coalition forces.

No wonder Moscow is mad. They were invited into Syria by the internationally recognized government of the  country. No wonder Syria is mad. It’s their airspace, for Pete’ sake.

If you aren’t yet prepared, now is the time to stock up on emergency food, water filtration devices, and maybe even some gas masks of your own. Also, check out the list of books at the bottom of this article to guide you on your way.

Our own government is about to be the driving force for millions of Americans and millions of Russians getting caught up in a war that they don’t want.

Reprinted with permission from

The post Check Your Gas Mask and Bomb Shelter appeared first on LewRockwell.

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