Dying out: Wild animal numbers could fall by 67% from 1970-2020, study says

‘The number of wild animals on Earth could fall by more than two-thirds in the 50 years to 2020, according to a new report which places the blame on the destruction of habitats, hunting and pollution. The forecast could lead to major consequences for humans.
The Living Planet Report 2016 says that animal losses are on track to reach 67 percent in the 50 years to 2020. The report’s authors also took into consideration a recent trend in animal population decline, citing a 58 percent plummet between 1970 and 2012.
The researchers analyzed the changing presence of 14,152 monitored populations of the 3,706 vertebrate species – mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles among them.’
Read more: Dying out: Wild animal numbers could fall by 67% from 1970-2020, study says

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