GBP Gold Rises 1.3% as Sterling Slumps On ‘Hard Brexit’ Concerns, EU Contagion Risk

Sterling gold rose 1.3% today as sterling slumped again after the UK set a March deadline to start their ‘Brexit divorce’ proceedings from the European Union and on deepening nervousness regarding a ‘Hard Brexit’.

gold_GBPGold in GBP – 10 Years

Theresa May’s bombshell deadline by which the UK will exit the EU given at her Conservative party conference, saw gold in sterling terms rise from £1,010/oz to £1,023/oz today and the pound hit a three-year low against the euro.

Sterling fell around 1 percent against the dollar to a seven-week low of $1.285 and a three-year low against the euro of 87.47 pence per euro. Read full story…

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