GMO Corporations Violate Human Rights And Break Federal Law Repeatedly In Horrible Migrant Labour Camps

‘Just one more reason why Monsanto and other Big Ag corporations are horrible.
Big Agricultural companies, such as Monsanto and DuPont Pioneer, are often criticized for a variety of reasons: their use of GMOs and how they contaminate organic crops, the toxicity of their herbicides and pesticides, the effect they have on small farms, and how they use their power and billions of dollars to manipulate politics.
However, one particularly horrible and non-abstract aspect of these companies’ dealings is how they treat migrant workers and the conditions the workers are forced to live in. The Big Ag corporations have thousands of migrant labor camps scattered around the country with thousands of underpaid migrants working at each camp.’
Read more: GMO Corporations Violate Human Rights And Break Federal Law Repeatedly In Horrible Migrant Labour Camps

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