James Lovelock, Godfather of Green: Climate Change Religion is Bunk

‘James Lovelock, inventor of Gaia Theory and godfather of the modern environmental movement, has finally renounced the green religion.
Climate alarmism, he says, is not “remotely scientific”; one volcano could make more difference to global warming than humans ever could; the computer models are “unreliable”; greens have behaved “deplorably”; and anyone who tries to “predict more than five to ten years is a bit of an idiot.”
Though this is not the first time Lovelock has rowed back on his earlier climate catastrophism – in 2012 he was already admitting “I made a mistake” – it’s his most emphatic rejection yet of the green litany.’
Read more: James Lovelock, Godfather of Green: Climate Change Religion is Bunk

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