Obama War Threats to Russia Dangerous but Ineffective: LaRouche

“Obama and company are trying to intimidate the world into submission — but it’s not likely to work. There are many nations and forces in Asia and even in Europe who can’t be convinced by this.” That was EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche’s judgment in discussion of the strong Russian Defense Ministry warnings Thursday against any U.S. attack on Syrian and Russian forces in Syria, and the furious threat to “beat Russia down,” delivered by U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley in a Washington, D.C., speech Oct. 4. Milley’s outburst coincided with a “leak” to Josh Rogin of the Washington Post that active options for U.S. attacks on Syrian (and inevitably Russian) armed forces are under discussion in the White House.

LaRouche added that “Obama would like to say that Russia is his number-one enemy, but his threats are not true. General war is beyond anything Obama can understand. He’d like to have almighty power, but he doesn’t have it anymore. He’s more like just a British royal family agent with a bad smell.”

Nonetheless in drone killings, in Libya, in Iraq, in Syria, now in Yemen, etc., Obama is a “lying mass murderer,” LaRouche concluded. “When you say those three words — ‘lying mass murderer’ — you’ve got him.” 

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