Sick of the Creepy Clown Nonsense?

Just in time for Halloween, creepy clowns have been spotted all over the nation. My main question is this: why is everyone too terrified to fight back? They’re clowns, for heaven’s sake.It wouldn’t be very difficult to end this ridiculous trend if everyone would stop getting sucked into the hysteria.

However, of late, “clown sightings” are occurring across the US. There has even been clown violence (a 16-year-old was stabbed by a creepy clown in Reading, Pennsylvania.)  Social media is all abuzz with the latest clown fear frenzy.  A humor book was published last fall, just ahead of the trend, called, “When Clowns Attack.”


Okay, does anyone else find this kind of weird? Kind of contrived? I’m positive it isn’t just me, because my friend, Melissa Melton, at Truthstream Media, clearly thought the same thing.

Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest?

Is this just a weird social experiment? Is the media just spreading fear, and if so, to what avail? Are they trying to distract us from the approach of World War III? Truthstream Media investigated it.

The post Sick of the Creepy Clown Nonsense? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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