What the Heck Is Agenda 21?

When most folks hear the words “Agenda 21” they have one of three responses:

  1. Huh? What’s that?
  2. Oh yay! It’ll turn the world into Utopia and global warming will stop and life will be rainbows and unicorns again!
  3. It’s a plan to remove personal liberty and move us closer to a one-world government. Where the heck is my tinfoil?

Some folks don’t even believe it exists,  others think it exists but is a good thing turned into a nasty conspiracy theory, and the majority are blissfully oblivious. Even though many people don’t realize it, we’re all being nudged toward an Agenda-21 ruled world. It’s easy, too, because it promises a green world of lollipops and rainbows and most of it will be “free.”

To put it as simply as possible, Agenda 21 is world domination with a warm, fuzzy glow. Once you understand it, you’ll never look at “regulations” the same way again.

  • Separation of families through child protection agencies, Big Brother parenting,  mandatory public schools at younger and younger ages, and the dumbing down of our education system is planned to break down our society even further.
  • Publicly funded health care  (cough*Obamacare* cough) will dictate toxic vaccinations, secretive sterilization, eugenics of the elderly and less-productive members of society, and mandated birth control.

    Nothing has been left out.

    • It guarantees both birth control and death control.
    • It promises the basic essentials of life in return for submission.
    • It exchanges critical thinking for re-education and brainwashing.
    • It destroys the epicenter of the family, society, and culture, allowing only one way to live. It groups the population into small contained areas to be more easily controlled.
    • It takes away from some to give to others who will be more easily managed by the promise of a full belly and a warm shelter.

    It’s a parasitical representation of the 1%, feeding on the 99.

    Agenda 21.Divide.Dumb down.Conquer.

    And it’s only going to get worse. Be sure to follow up by reading about Agenda 2030 on this website.

    For more information on Agenda 21:

    Agenda 21: Into the Shadows (I’m not usually a Glenn Beck fan but this is pretty good.)

    The UN’s Plan for Your Community

    The Quiet Coup

    Reprinted with permission from DaisyLuther.com.

    The post What the Heck Is Agenda 21? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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