Yemeni Children’s Manual for Physical Economy, BRICS and the New Silk Road

The Yemenis are showing once again their legendary capability to rise above the barbarity of the Obama-British-backed Saudi aggression, to set the course towards a brighter future for their nation and coming generation. Coinciding with the BRICS Summit, on Oct. 16, while the barbaric U.S.-British-backed Saudi bombing continues, the Yemeni Office for Coordination with the BRICS (YOCB) convened a meeting in the capital Sana’a with leaders of Shawthab Foundation, a Yemeni Institute for protection of children against violence ( to discuss the project for compiling a manual for children on the principles of physical economy, the BRICS new paradigm of thinking, and China’s New Silk Road’s win-win concept. The meeting was also attended by Mrs. Lamia El-Eryani, the Secretary General of the Yemeni Supreme Council for Childhood and Motherhood, which is an organ of the Yemeni government, connected to 14 ministries and functions directly under the prime minister. The “physical economy” aspect of this project is derived from the concepts of economic science as laid out by economist Lyndon LaRouche, and described in the Executive Intelligence Review Special Report “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” (especially Part 2 dealing with “Metrics of Progress”). The YOBC holds the publishing rights of the EIR Special report and had held weekly public readings of the report that was attended by government ministers, think tanks, NGOs, and gained wide coverage in the Yemeni media.

YOBC Chairman Fouad Al-Ghaffari, issued a statement on the occasion stating: “The manual will give the Yemeni children a special voice that is in harmony with the rights of the children of the BRICS nations, through the right to acquire the necessary knowledge and the right to participate based on the international Convention for the Rights of the Child of 1992, the UNICEF’s Education 2030 Framework of Action. It is also a response to the call by the Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute and the Silk Road Lady, Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, to stop the violent video games that provoke violent behavior among young generations. This manual will enable our children to shoulder the responsibility of the mission of building the New Silk Road, as a model for global development, and in accordance with the adoption by the UNDP of China’s as criteria for sustainable development until 2030. As part of its observation of the proceedings of the 2016 BRICS Summit meeting where the focus is on establishing a financial and banking system for the infrastructure and other human development, the Office for Coordination with the BRICS would like to call on all concerned parties to allocate part of the financial resources for the programs of child education and development, because they are the carriers of the potential and future projects for building their nations based on national credit systems.”

Mrs. Lamia El-Eryani is Secretary General of the governmental Council for Childhood and Motherhood in Yemen and Chairwoman. Mrs. El-Eryani posted the following statement on her Facebook site on Oct. 16:

“Simultaneously with BRICS 8th Summit, which will be held this morning in Goa, India, a meeting was held between Shawthab Foundation and the Office for Coordination with the BRICS in order to introduce the Office’s idea of the `Pearl Project.’ The meeting dealt with the question of the launching of the ‘Yemeni children’s leaders for BRICS,’ which will be under the umbrella of Shawthab Foundation and with the sponsorship of the Supreme Council for Childhood and Motherhood in collaboration with the Office for Coordination with the BRICS. The Office for the Yemeni Children’s Leaders for Coordination with the BRICS will compile a special program based on the solid principles of the BRICS economic paradigm within the Yemeni context, in a way that will create a special voice for the children of Yemen that conforms with the international conventions for child rights and the principles of the UNICEF’s Education 2030 Framework of Action. Congratulations to the children of Yemen! Congratulations for the three partners in this important and serious initiative!”

The “Pearl Project” takes its name from the pledge of Helga Zepp-LaRouche to make Yemen a beautiful pearl in the necklace of the New Silk Road, which the attendees took up in a resolution at the June 25-26, 2016 Berlin Conference of the Schiller Institute.

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