Election uncertainty makes election theory redundant

Ignore election theory, this one’s too uncertain

  • This year’s election breaks the mould in a number of important ways
  • Markets seem to be agnostic as to which party is in control of the White House.
  • However, likely that uncertainty will drive markets for time-being
  • Polls might be victim to ‘the Bradley effect’
  • Hillary is seen as lower-risk and less volatile than the Republican.


For most of us this election is like nothing we have ever seen. Frank Holmes agrees , arguing that we need to, “Forget Everything You Know About Presidential Elections

“this year’s election breaks the mold in a number of important ways, it raises the question of how closely it will hew to past elections, at least where market reaction is concerned.”

Just with the candidates alone we are dealing with two unknowns:

“If [Clinton] pulls it off, she’ll become not only the first woman and first first lady to rise to the country’s highest office but also the first Democrat to succeed another two-term Democrat since Martin Van Buren succeeded Andrew Jackson in 1837.” Read full story here…

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