Employment tribunal fees ‘pricing people out of justice’

‘Labour has accused the government of “pricing people out of justice”, as new figures published by the TUC reveal the number of employment tribunal cases has fallen by 9,000 a month since fees of up to £1,200 were introduced.
An analysis by the TUC found that prior to the introduction of fees in 2013 by the then Tory-led coalition government, an average of 16,000 people per month took a claim against an employer to tribunal. But in 2015-16 this dropped to just 7,000 per month.
The dramatic change includes a shocking 76% drop in unfair dismissal claims, a 71% drop in sex discrimination claims, 58% for race discrimination cases, and a 54% drop in disability discrimination claims taken to tribunal.’
Read more: Employment tribunal fees ‘pricing people out of justice’

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