EU Army to be ratified… saddling Britain with £420 million annual bill despite Brexit vote

‘The European Union hopes to ratify plans for a combined, continent-wide army on Tuesday night, which could lumber the UK with an annual bill worth hundreds of millions of pounds, despite Britain’s intention to leave the bloc.
EU politicians met in Brussels on Tuesday morning to thrash out details of the proposed force and will later vote on establishing an “EU-wide system for the coordination of rapid movement of defense forces personnel.” The touted aim of the army is to fight where NATO will not go, if need be.
Britain could be forced to help fund the project because Article 50 – the clause which must be invoked to trigger an exit from the union – will not have been enacted by the time the project is ratified.’

Read more: EU Army to be ratified… saddling Britain with £420 million annual bill despite Brexit vote

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