Germany suggests ‘Marshal plan for Africa’ to solve migrant crisis

‘Developed countries should provide a massive economic boost to African nations to create jobs and slow the flow of refugees into Europe, says Germany’s development minister. It comes as the EU-Turkey deal to curb the migrant influx seems on the verge of collapse.
Gerd Mueller said on Friday that in coming weeks Berlin would release details of what he called a ‘Marshall Plan with Africa’ – drawing a historical parallel to the US investment into Western Europe in the aftermath of World War Two. The new program would focus on youth, education and training, and strengthening the rule of law, Mueller said.
“We have to invest in these countries and give people perspectives for the future,” he told a news conference. “If the youth of Africa can’t find work or a future in their own countries, it won’t be hundreds of thousands, but millions that make their way to Europe.”‘
Read more: Germany suggests ‘Marshal plan for Africa’ to solve migrant crisis

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