Hated Tory ‘bedroom tax’ discriminated against disabled claimants, court rules

‘Tory welfare reforms suffered a blow in the Supreme Court as judges ruled the government acted outside of the law when it imposed its so-called ‘bedroom tax’ on a woman suffering from spina bifida and a couple caring for their disabled grandson.
The highest court in the land overturned a 2014 decision by the Court of Appeal which ruled against Jacqueline Carmichael and her husband Jayson who live in a two-bedroom housing association flat in Southport.
The government cut the Carmichaels’ housing benefit by 14 percent because they had an extra bedroom in their home. However, the court accepted the couple’s claim that due to her condition Jacqueline Carmichael has to spend most of her day on a hospital-like bed that does not fit in the room where her partner sleeps.’
Read more: Hated Tory ‘bedroom tax’ discriminated against disabled claimants, court rules

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