Michael Moore’s To-Do List: Take Over, Occupy, Impeach Trump

‘Michael Moore was right about Donald Trump winning the presidency — not that that was the result he wanted — but he was right, nonetheless. And when he read from a letter he wrote from the perspective of the downtrodden middle class in his film TrumpLand, he captured exactly what happened: “Trump’s election is going to be the biggest F**K YOU ever recorded in human history. And it will feel good.”
And though he predicted, and warned, that a Trump presidency was inevitable, he is now making plans for what happens next as his own personal nightmare has come true.
On his Facebook page, the liberal documentarian took a break from protests with the “Not My President” crowds in New York City to lay out a plan that calls for civil disobedience and ultimately leads to impeaching President-elect Trump.’
Read more: Michael Moore’s To-Do List: Take Over, Occupy, Impeach Trump

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