Saudi-allied anti-Houthi forces use civilians & medics as human shields in Yemen – Amnesty

‘Anti-Houthi fighters in Yemen allied with the Saudi-led coalition have been “terrorizing” hospitals and doctors in the city of Taiz, Amnesty International reports.
Regular harassment at medical facilities in the city began roughly half a year ago, the NGO said after interviewing 15 doctors and other hospital staff. Anti-Houthi fighters even threatened to kill them for offering emergency medical treatment to Houthi fighters. Forces aligned with the ousted president even set up positions and tanks around one medical compound.
The anti-Houthi forces are allied with exiled former leader Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who fled to Saudi Arabia when the Houthis took power. Anti-Houthi forces are backed by the Saudi Arabia-led military coalition, which has been armed by the UK and US.’
Read more: Saudi-allied anti-Houthi forces use civilians & medics as human shields in Yemen – Amnesty

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