Cannabis Oil Cured Girl’s Leukemia After HPV Vaccine Broke Down Her Body: Hayley Willar
‘In 2010, Hayley Willar was one of the first young girls to receive the HPV vaccine Gardasil. She was very physically active, a competitive figure skater for most of her life.
Within a couple weeks of receiving Gardasil, she started to feel “not herself,” as described by her mother Dayna. For the next few years she suffered severe migraines, ovarian cysts, an incapacitated immune system, anxiety, and other symptoms commonly reported by victims of Gardasil.
In 2013, she was diagnosed with leukemia. As countless people have been victims of “sudden death” after receiving this vaccine, as people such as Chace Topperwein have been afflicted with this specific type of cancer after Gardasil, Hayley became a victim as well: until her mother discovered cannabis oil.’
Read more: Cannabis Oil Cured Girl’s Leukemia After HPV Vaccine Broke Down Her Body: Hayley Willar
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