Corporate Media’s ‘Fake News’ War Is Backfiring By Showing The World The Power Of Alternative Media

‘As you’ve likely heard by now, Facebook has taken its war against ‘fake news’ to a whole other level — employing third-party media and fact-checking organizations to judge whether news items are legitimate — to the consternation of countless users who see the platform overstepping red lines.
Servile corporate media immediately parroted the wealth of benefits that Facebook’s plan will ostensibly provide, from an alert and gateway system forced onto articles deemed “disputed,” to the organizations making the ‘kiss of death’ judgment call: Snopes,, Politifact, and ABC News.
Anyone with passing knowledge of bias in media is probably spitting out their coffee — all four organizations are notoriously left-leaning and liberal, and the list includes no outlets with any other of myriad ideological tilts.’
Read more: Corporate Media’s ‘Fake News’ War Is Backfiring By Showing The World The Power Of Alternative Media

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