Frank Exposed, Never A Pretty Site

In the midst of a major political transition, a battle is taking place as to what the future policy of the U.S. will be. Predictably, those who have benefited from the fascist degeneration over the course of the Bush and Obama regimes are still mobilizing to destroy any contrary direction.

And as the looming spectre of Glass-Steagall increasingly impresses itself upon the U.S. political dialogue—as exemplified by President-elect Trump’s calls for its reinstatement—those fascist networks have deployed their stooge, Barney Frank, to prevent that very reinstatement.

In response to the breakdown of the ideological social-control system that has been dominant since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Barney’s tactic has been to create a false debate on financial policy, i.e. either you support regulating Wall-Street with the Dodd-Frank Act, or you support deregulating Wall-Street by taking away Dodd-Frank.

Barney has participated in a broad range of bald face lying to this effect, and LaRouchePAC had the opportunity to confront such an episode last Monday, 12/05/16 at the City University of New York.

Barney’s coadjutor in this Monday evening ruse was interviewer Paul Krugman. Not once in the course of their interview did either Frank or Krugman mention the fact that the banks today are bigger, more dangerous, and more destructive to the economy than ever before. Not once did these “leading experts” mention that the entire U.S. and European banking system is imploding, the effects of which have been masked by trillions of dollars of cover-up via stock buy-back’s, etc., and a massive influx of cartel drug money.

Four hundred plus audience members, who were attending what was to be a discussion on economic policy, sat listlessly while Barney, a former pimp and alleged Franklin Coverup pedophile, pushed his Dodd-Frank Wall-Street protection fraud as a great success. A LaRouchePAC activist then stood up and called out “What about Glass-Steagall?!,” to which Barney immediately turned and replied: “I see the LaRouche people are here!” (Confirming that LaRouche is synonymous with the most important systemic reform of the banking system today, and hence then literally terrifies the entire oligarchical financial class with the threat of physical bankruptcy.)

Krugman tried to calm down the situation, but Barney had been provoked and started blurting out attacks on Glass-Steagall and Lyndon LaRouche.

Afterwards, we had a chance to say hello to both of the speakers, but unfortunately for them, they have yet to recant their crimes. Thank God we have the chance to change.

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