Goldman Sachs Investors Love Donald Trump’s Treasury Pick

‘Donald Trump hasn’t always appeared to be the biggest fan of Goldman Sachs. But recently, Goldman Sachs investors have been really big fans of Trump.
Shares of the investment banking giant soared 4% in trading Wednesday, closing at levels the stock hasn’t seen since December 2007 as the president-elect’s Treasury pick, Steven Mnuchin, said he would do away with a major headache for Wall Street.
“So we want to strip back parts of Dodd-Frank that prevent banks from lending, and that will be the number one priority on the regulatory side,” Mnuchin told CNBC Wednesday. “The number one problem with the Volcker rule is its too complicated, people don’t know how to interpret it, so we will look at what to do with it, as we are with all of Dodd-Frank.”’
Read more: Goldman Sachs Investors Love Donald Trump’s Treasury Pick

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