Henry Kissinger, in Reply to LaRouchePAC: One Belt One Road Is Basis for Cooperation Between China and the United States

On Monday night in Manhattan, 400 people gathered on the 89th floor of One World Trade Center to hear Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright speak about US-China relations, in a forum titled, “Leaders Speak: Secretaries of State.” During the Q & A, panelists responded to a question by LaRouchePAC attendee Daniel Burke, on the content of cooperation between China and the United States. In the exchange that follows you have to wonder if Henry Kissinger was aware of the last person who tried to avoid a fundamental policy question posed by Daniel Burke. He would merely have to ask Hillary Clinton how well it went for her:

D. Burke: My name is Daniel Burke, and I work with the American economist Lyndon LaRouche. My question is for Dr. Kissinger. Mr. LaRouche is strongly in agreement with you that the US and China must cooperate. And he’s emphatic that the US and China can cooperate on the One Belt One Road policy. That this would be a clear way to rebuild the United States’s collapsing economy. Further he has said that we can work together on space science and on the development of thermonuclear fusion, and I wonder if you have any comments.

Five seconds of silence.

Albright: I’ve never thought about Lyndon LaRouche in this particular context. [Moderator chuckles] But, let me just say that I do think there are ways that we can cooperate. I think one of the issues out there now also is cyber, and there are various problems that are there and various possibilities. And the question is how our two great countries can in fact cooperate in a way that requires a certain amount of trust. So I hope very much that there is cooperation in a number of deals, but I don’t think we can underestimate what some of the difficulties are.

Kissinger: I think the One Road, One Belt [sic] concept is an important item. I think that China can and should find a way of talking about it. It’s one of the issues in which cooperation probably is possible. So… so, I think that’s my most useful contribution.

Today Kissinger met with President-elect Donald Trump. Last Friday, Kissinger met in Beijing with President Xi Jinping. In a small blurb pre-viewing today’s meeting between Trump and Kissinger in Townhall, an internet publication, the columnist made a point of quoting Kissinger expressing satisfaction with China’s measured response to Trump speaking with Taiwan President xx, and commenting on China. Townhall wrote, “Despite concerns about the move [Trumps twitter remarks] causing friction between the U.S. and China, Kissinger said he was impressed by China’s reaction. “At this moment I’ve been very impressed at the calm reaction of the Chinese leadership, which suggests a determination to see whether a calm dialogue can be developed.”

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