Pharma Execs Arrested in Conspiracy to Create Opioid Addicts for Profit

‘Furthermore, pharmaceutical makers have continued to develop stronger and stronger pain medications, and doctors are contributing by over-prescribing these drugs, but in a truly shocking case, several pharmaceutical executives have just been arrested for scheming to create addicts painkiller based on the strongest, most addictive, and most deadly synthetic opioid in the world today, fentanyl. So powerful, in fact, that many are calling it the ‘kill pill.’
“Fentanyl is an opioid. Its effect on the body is exactly like heroin, or any other opiate-based medication. But fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin, up to 100 times stronger than morphine. It is stronger than any prescription painkiller on the market.” [Source]
Earlier this month, federal prosecutors in the State of Massachusetts announced the arrest of six former pharmaceutical executives of Insys Therapeutics, Inc., manufacturer of a fentanyl based pain medication called ‘Subsys.’ Their nefarious scheme was a well-organized plot to have doctors overprescribe this medicine and ensure that pill shoppers were well-supplied.’
Read more: Pharma Execs Arrested in Conspiracy to Create Opioid Addicts for Profit

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