Trump Electorate Need More Than Anger Now: They Need Creativity

While an extraordinary drama is being enacted in the United States, with the use of intelligence agencies to try to overturn a decided presidential election, the President-elect has spoken to a series of monster rallies across the nation.

The Trump voters have been waiting by tens of thousands in the cold, to register their anger once again against the hated blows to their lives, of “globalization” and its advocates. But they urgently need something more and better than anger.

There is a new economic paradigm abroad in the world, especially from Asian powers, which could turn their fortunes around. But as citizens, they have to understand how to link their country up with that new paradigm. There are new scientific frontiers, including in space and fusion energy, which can mean a higher human existence for their children. They need to understand how those frontiers slipped from America’s mind in the past, and with whom to collaborate to restore them.

They need to see the political battle now, not as a Super Bowl to cheer for “killer hits” and injured opponents; but as a play of Shakespeare at which to gain ideas. Not a heavy metal rock concert, but a performance of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy as Europe held when they threw off Soviet Communism.

The Obama and Hillary backers cannot overturn the election. Their aim is to bring down another President, Putin of Russia. They are relentless for constant wars, “regime-change” wars, whose ultimate target is Russia and China. They aim to bring those nations down by war if necessary, before they become economically ascendant over Obama’s declining United States.

The American electorate, now as citizens, are in the drama. They have to act to make sure the new President does not attempt to continue that war policy; and does not continue Obama’s — or the Republican leadership’s — economic and science policies.

Instead, they can set off a mobilization to save the economy and the nation: restore the Glass-Steagall Act; create a Hamiltonian national bank for productive credit; build new infrastructure at the technological frontiers — like high-speed and magnetically-levitated rail lines — across the country; restore NASA’s Moon and Mars and deep-space missions and seek the breakthrough to fusion technologies.

That kind of creativity, on the part of thousands and even millions, is what LaRouchePAC and EIR exist for. Americans are not using that creativity until they realize the U.S. electoral shock was part of a global phenomenon, which can lead to a new paradigm of the rights and abilities of human beings.


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