British MPs launch ‘fake news’ inquiry to examine ‘threat to democracy’ – so let David Icke give evidence

‘The “growing phenomenon of fake news,” which has been labeled a “threat to democracy,” is to be the subject of a parliamentary inquiry.
The Culture, Media and Sport Committee is launching an inquiry into the “widespread dissemination, through social media and the internet, and acceptance as fact of stories of uncertain provenance or accuracy.”
The committee aims to identify those most likely to be misled by false articles and to set an industry-standard definition of the phenomenon. The MPs want to investigate whether the way advertising is bought, sold and placed online has encouraged the growth of fake news.
It will also look into the role of search engines and social media companies, including Google, Twitter and Facebook, to determine whether they should take more responsibility for controlling the proliferation of fake news stories.’
Read more: British MPs launch ‘fake news’ inquiry to examine ‘threat to democracy’ – so let David Icke give evidence
Damian Collins, Chairman of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, can be contacted at

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