AMI Smart Meters ILLEGALLY Forced On Pennsylvania Consumers; Act 129 States ‘Not Mandatory’

‘Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) utility Smart Meters for electric, natural gas and water are being forced onto Pennsylvania utility customers by utility companies backed up by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s (PA PUC) implementation rules and regulations, i.e., AMI SMs are “mandatory,” which are in total contradiction to the Legislative History, intent, enactment, and what was published in official public state records declaring AMI Smart Meters are not mandated! Basically, the bill SB2200, as passed by the PA Legislature, is/was an “opt IN bill”! Refer to HB2200 §2807(f)7(2)(i)!
I refused an AMI Smart Meter and have kept one off my home’s electric service for several years citing health reasons, as I’m a breast cancer survivor who does not want to be exposed to non-thermal radiation waves smart meters emit in various ways, including possible – but scientifically documented – adverse health issues attributed to non-thermal radiation harms from microwave technology per published global scientific peer review research.’
Read more: AMI Smart Meters ILLEGALLY Forced On Pennsylvania Consumers; Act 129 States ‘Not Mandatory’

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