Bernie Sanders: Trump is a ‘fraud’ who will sell out the working class

‘Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders told CNN’s Jake Tapper he thinks President Donald Trump is a fraud Sunday on “State of the Union.”
Sanders pointed out Trump’s campaign promises to tackle the corruption on Wall Street seem to have dissipated in his recent appointments of “billionaires” to his Cabinet and to advisory positions within his administration.
Trump has several appointments that are worth millions of dollars and more, such as his nominee for deputy commerce secretary Todd Ricketts (worth: $5.3 billion), his nominee for treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin (worth $40 million), his nominee for education secretary Betsy DeVos (worth $5.1 billion) and chief strategist Steve Bannon (worth $20 million).’
Read more: Bernie Sanders: Trump is a ‘fraud’ who will sell out the working class

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