#BoycottBudweiser: Twitter clash over beer company’s Super Bowl migration ad

‘Hours before Super Bowl LI kicks off, a Twitter war erupted over Budweiser’s half-time advertising centered on the founder of the company’s migration story.
This year’s football showdown is expected to reflect the country’s political unrest in many forms, from Lady Gaga’s halftime show, the #ResistHouston anti-Trump protests, and several controversial advertisements covering pay inequality, border crossings and immigration.
Super Bowl advsertising commands a whopping $5 million for a 30-second spot, and most companies wait until the big day to reveal their promotional gold dust. However, some like Budweiser maker Anheuser-Busch, have chosen to get their money’s worth by drumming up some YouTube views in advance.
Named ‘Born the Hard Way’, the Budweiser ad is a dramatic retelling of founder Adolphus Busch’s journey from Germany to America to fulfil his dream of brewing beer.’

Read more: #BoycottBudweiser: Twitter clash over beer company’s Super Bowl migration ad

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