Edible drone could deliver immediate food relief to disaster zones

‘A British logistics expert and entrepreneur has developed an edible drone that could deliver food relief in the immediate aftermath of major disasters.
The Pouncer drone is made of an edible, starch-based thermoplastic. Its creator says just one aircraft could deliver enough food to feed 80 people for a day.
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), which has a three meter wingspan and compartments filled with food, water and medical supplies, can be launched from a military aircraft or from ground sites in the first hours of a disaster.
Ninety edible drones can be loaded onto a Hercules C-130 transport aircraft. When launched from 10,000 feet, they can glide for 22 miles, potentially delivering life-saving supplies to more than 7,000 people.’
Read more: Edible drone could deliver immediate food relief to disaster zones 

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