Facebook ‘Fake News’ Censor Correctiv Funded By Soros, Staffed By Left-Wing Establishment

‘Correctiv, the allegedly non-partisan “fake news” censor working with Facebook in Germany is funded by groups linked to left-wing billionaire George Soros and the establishment media.
A new investigative report from anti-mass migration NGO Einprozent has revealed who is behind the new organization employed by Facebook to report and censor what they consider to be “fake news.”
According to the NGO, Correctiv is largely staffed and funded by those who were formerly establishment journalists, many of them writing for left-leaning publications. They say that the top donor to Correctiv is the Brost Foundation, set up by the former head of the publishing company FUNKE Media Group, Erich Brost. The foundation has given €925,000 to get Correctiv off the ground.’
Read more: Facebook ‘Fake News’ Censor Correctiv Funded By Soros, Staffed By Left-Wing Establishment

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