Food, Water, Sex… and Votes: How An AI Propaganda Company Conjured Trump.

Propaganda has entered a new, nefarious age. Artificial intelligence – the mimicking and harnessing of human thinking and behavior by machines – has been carefully unleashed onto the internet by political powers looking to recruit irrational voters.

Whereas the propaganda developed in the last century required a huge state apparatus to revert humans back to primitive, thoughtless organisms, this new AI propaganda requires merely some cheaply written computer software and a public addicted to their social networks.

What makes this new propaganda ultra-effective is how it attacks our central nervous system.

Humans are driven by simple needs like food, water, and sex. These basic instincts drive our behavior and limn our evolutionary path.

To borrow a term from computer science, a kernel of eternal life-supporting, primitive must-haves are at the core of our beings – and this new, AIP (AI Propaganda) hacks into it with such efficiency and scale an entire nation can have its collective mind hacked for a just a few million dollars.

It works by creating fake equivalences and unavoidable juxtapositions.

The keys to our complete intellectual and emotional map; the blueprints of our intimate being, are freely given to and digitized by purveyors of social networks who in turn commodify that information and sell it to political operatives who spoon feed it back to is in ways our mind’s involuntarily consume as essential sustenance.

Trump supporters we learn, are the victims of a corporation that sells AI Propaganda and Steve Bannon, Trump’s top advisor, sits on its board.

In the previous century, propaganda carried out by a state to dupe an entire nation to follow a dolt, led to WWII and the industrialization of mass murder; increasing the horror of war by an incalculable, inhuman factor.

Today’s quantum, malicious AI driven propaganda, because it attacks the core of our beings on a biological, molecular and primitive level is infecting and deleting our collective unconscious and pushing out every last bit of our humanity. There will be no winners.

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