GMwatch attacked by Kevin Folta’s stand-in troll at the American Enterprise Institute, a rat’s nest of corporate P.R. hucksters

‘The American Enterprise Institute is at it again, accusing opponents of toxic agricultural of starving people to death for not supporting GMOs and glyphosate. Remember, the AEI is a sinister cabal of “profit at all costs” Republican pesticide pushers, and its network of character assassins and malicious operatives includes the infamous Jon Entine, whom Natural News exposed years ago as a violent wife beater and professional muckraker. (After which fired him, but continued his attacks with replacement disinfo propagandists pretending to be journalists.)
The latest laughable attacks against GM Watch come from Monsatan minion Richard Bennett, who openly accuses GM Watch of genocide.
Yes, you read that correctly: The pro-Monsanto operatives pushing poisonous glyphosate, genetic pollution and the deep-rooted evil of corporate-dominated seeds accuses GMO skeptics of promoting genocide. It’s sort of like Hitler accusing the Jews of being mass murderers, isn’t it?’
Read more: GMwatch attacked by Kevin Folta’s stand-in troll at the American Enterprise Institute, a rat’s nest of corporate P.R. hucksters

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