Gold Prices Up 5.8% YTD As Trump ‘Honeymoon’ Ends

Gold prices continued to shine this week reaching $1,244.70 per ounce and and has posted gains in five of the last six weeks. This week it reached a new three-month high – it’s highest since the Trump win and has climbed over 6% this year, beating the gains made in the same period in 2016.


The yellow metal has climbed 4.30% in the US dollar, 3.38% in the Euro and 1.35% in the sterling, in the last 30 days. This week gold is marginally higher in dollars and pounds but 1.5% higher in euro terms after the euro weakened on concerns of contagion due to the unresolved issues with Greece and other so called “PIIGS” nations and their still vulnerable banks and economies.

This performance has surprised many commentators and analysts as gold’s three month high has come at a time when stock prices are also breaking records.

When we are asked in years to come what we learnt from the Trump administration, the first thing that will come to mind is ‘Rules no longer applied.’

Whether you are for or against Trump, there is no denying that the rule book of what elected politicians should and should not do has been wholly torn to pieces and thrown out the window.

For starters, Trump appears to expect to be busy during his first 100 days putting in place exactly what he promised he would do, during his election campaign. This is almost unheard of. As Frank Holmes writes, the media took Trump literally but not seriously, his supporters took him seriously but not literally. The outcome of these expectations are showing themselves.

We take a brief look at what has driven gold this week and ask what the end of Trump’s honeymoon means for the gold price.

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