‘Irrefutable evidence Kiev used WMDs’ against Eastern Ukraine civilians – Russian investigators

‘The Russian Investigative Committee says it has received rock-solid proof that Kiev’s armed forces have been using weapons of mass destruction against civilians in eastern Ukraine.
“The office of the Russian State Investigative Committee, dealing with crimes involving the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, has discovered and procedurally documented irrefutable evidence that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been using weapons of mass destruction, namely the Tochka-U tactical missile complexes [SS-21 Scarab in NATO classification] against civilians in the armed conflict in the south-east of Ukraine,” the investigative committee said in a statement published on its official website on Monday.
The committee also stated that the Tochka-U can fire a wide range of missiles, both conventional and non-conventional, nuclear or chemical.’
Read more: ‘Irrefutable evidence Kiev used WMDs’ against Eastern Ukraine civilians – Russian investigators

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