Israel reinforces 10km gap in West Bank separation barrier

‘Israeli military engineers have erected additional 10 km of the West Bank wall that runs along the demarcation line and prevents Palestinians from crossing into Israel. While the Tel Aviv government calls it a security barrier, Palestinians slam it as an apartheid wall.
The Israeli Defense Ministry has recently finished the construction of a 10-kilometer (6.2 miles) section of the barrier, the Jerusalem Post learned on Sunday. The rest of the 42 kilometers (26 miles) barrier that runs along the demarcation Green Line near Hebron Hills is set to be completed in the next six months.
Once completed, the security barrier, located on the side of Road 35 in the West Bank, will fortify a segment which starts at the Tarqumiya checkpoint in western Hebron and extends southward to the Meitar checkpoint on the Green Line, through which Palestinians with the right permits can enter into Israel for work or other reasons.’
Read more: Israel reinforces 10km gap in West Bank separation barrier

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