Mainstream researchers finally admit vitamin C kills cancer

‘Pauling authored over 1000 scientific influential papers along with a diverse line up of books. General Chemistry is an internationally used college textbook. The Nature of the Chemical Bond, written in 1931, is still revered as one of the most profound “scientific book[s] in the 20th century.” Pauling was also a dedicated humanitarian and an outspoken activist against nuclear testing, citing the damaging health effects of radioactive fallout on generations to come.
He coined the phrase “molecular disease,” and for many years studied human physiology and the biochemistry of nutrition. It was Pauling who championed the efficacy of vitamin C as a vital element to treat the common cold, heart disease, and cancer. The burgeoning pharmaceutical, vaccine, and cancer industries did not approve of Pauling’s scientific prowess. But they were wrong. Pauling was right.’
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