NATO member Turkey in crack down on media coverage of terrorist attacks and breaking news. NATO is there to ‘defend freedom’, right?

‘The Turkish state media watchdog has imposed limitations on the coverage of terrorist attacks, amid a state of emergency. TV channels will face suspensions if they break the new rules.
The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) introduced the restrictions on TV broadcasters during a meeting on Wednesday. According to Hurriyet Daily newspaper, coverage of terrorist attacks will be strictly limited, as will anything under the notion of ‘breaking news’.
Any footage or pictures from the scene of an incident concerning national security is banned, except if provided by state officials. The restrictions include the moment of the attack, its aftermath, images of fear and panic at the scene, as well as images of emergency services working at the scene and sound clips from witnesses.’
Read more: NATO member Turkey in crack down on media coverage of terrorist attacks and breaking news. NATO is there to ‘defend freedom’, right? 

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