Obama’s Organization Wants Another Ukraine Coup Now, in America

Members of both Houses of Congress spoke out this week against Obama-appointed U.S. diplomats and George Soros’ foundations acting together to overthrow the elected government of Macedonia. But a few of them are starting to suspect that Obama and Soros also intend to overthrow the elected government of the United States. As EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche characterized it today, “They [Obama and the Soros-funded groups] are actually committing a kind of suicide, threatening to kill this nation.”

While Obama himself, incredibly, is bombarding Americans with robocalls attacking President Trump right now, and encouraging protests and demonstrations against the President; Obama’s “Organizing for Action” national network is organizing those demonstrations and shows of force at Congressional town hall meetings this week. This is Obama’s personal support and funds network; even many Democratic state chairmen around the country say they have nothing to do with it.

The nation-killer George Soros, with a few fellow Democracy Alliance billionaires, is funding every street protest and large demonstration.

Holdovers from Obama’s Administration in security positions, from the former Acting Attorney General to the NSA, are feeding entire cycles of wild stories and leaking highly secret documents to a complicit press, trying to set in motion the impeachment of President Trump, or worse.

The failing powers of the European Union bureaucracy and elite — who loved Obama — are hysterical in demanding President Trump be either neutralized, removed or even killed, as leading “senior journalists” in both the UK and Germany have openly discussed.

EIR will document this completely in a dossier appearing this week, showing that Obama’s and Soros’ intention is to repeat the 2014 anti-Russian “Maidan” overthrow of Ukraine’s government, by the overthrow of Trump. And for the same objective: war confrontation with Putin’s Russia.

As the President himself said on Friday in Florida, this attack is for the global elite, centered in London and on Wall Street, which became dominant over the planet in the era of “globalization” and “deindustrialization.” That elite absolutely refuses to accept that a succession of nations are voting it out. Trump believes “the nation-state remains the best model for human happiness”; and wants cooperation between the United States and Russia, and China, as leading nations.

Obama’s organization has to be destroyed, because it could put the world again into his “perpetual wars,” and on the edge again of world war. As LaRouche observes, Trump’s intentions are stronger than his actions so far, but he is a potentially constructive President, and his role is crucial. Destroy Obama’s organization with EIR‘s dossier, and by intensifying the mobilization for Glass-Steagall and bipartisan actions for productive employment and productivity.

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