Soros-Linked Group: Racist to Say ‘Illegal Immigrant’ or ‘Islamic Extremist’

‘An Italian-based lobbying organization tied to George Soros is calling on journalists to eliminate all language that could portray migrants in a negative light, including phrases like “illegal immigrant” and “Islamic extremist.”
The list of terms to be banned for use by journalists was released by Association Carta di Roma, an Italian-based immigration lobbying organization that “seeks to be a stable reference point for those who work on daily basis with media and minorities issues.”
Founded in December 2011, Association Carta di Roma uses “research and monitoring activities,” along with “training activities for media operators,” to promote “respect and guarantee of the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, migrants or minorities in general.”
The organization has requested terms such as “clandestine” (clandestine migrants), “zingari” (gypsies), “nomadi” (nomads), and “extracomunitari” (those coming from outside the European Union) not be used by journalists.’
Read more: Soros-Linked Group: Racist to Say ‘Illegal Immigrant’ or ‘Islamic Extremist’

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