Stash Some Cash


Can you afford an emergency? Not a “must see Beyoncé live” crisis, but a 911 situation requiring cold hard cash to the tune of $1,000. Think dental surgery or bailing a relative out of jail. If you’re like two-thirds of Americans who don’t have a spare grand, start saving now–like your life depends on it.


How robust should your emergency fund be? It depends. If you own a home or a car, you’ll need more for inevitable repairs. Regardless of your assets, experts suggest saving the equivalent of several months salary, should you get laid off. This calculator tells you what your threshold of savings safety is.

Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you at risk?

Stop thinking about Roth IRAs as being just for retirement

The Roth IRA is a savings vehicle that is tax-advantaged three times over: when you put money in, when the money grows and when you take the money out. Unlike an HSA, you don’t need to prove the cash was used for medical expenses.  Then, you can withdraw funds to use for non-medical expenses but you’ll owe ordinary income taxes. You can take money out anytime and for any reason–making it one of the best places to your stash cash.

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The post Stash Some Cash appeared first on LewRockwell.

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