Team Obama Launches Legal Assaults on Trump Government

Two different Amicus Curiae briefs have been filed on behalf of Washington state’s suit against the Trump administration’s immigration ban by leading figures from the Obama team and George Soros’s stable. Neither are concerned about immigrants; these actions are openly flaunted as merely the first skirmish in a broader, all-front war to bring down the Trump administration on behalf of the good old days of the last 16 years of hell in the United States.

Take the six-page brief filed by 10 former national security officials. It charges that the ban was “ill-conceived, poorly implemented and ill-explained,” and was not approved by “career professionals.” Who wrote the brief? Yale professor Harold Koh, the State Department legal advisor during Obama’s first term who wrote the “legal” defense of Obama’s illegal and inhumane program of extrajudicial assassinations by extensive use of drones; who trained Bush torture-advocate John Yoo, served on the board of George Soros’s Human Rights Watch, and defended negotiating with Colombia’s FARC narcoterrorists as a State Department official.

The brief was signed by Madelaine Albright, seven former Obama officials from top CIA, counterterrorism, national security and homeland security posts (Susan Rice, Avril Haines, Lisa Monaco, Michael Morell, Leon Panetta, Janet Napolitano, and John Kerry), and two top Bush officials (Micheal Hayden and John McLaughlin).

The Washington Post brazenly admitted in an article, today, that the brief was filed as “part of a nascent movement seeking to match ongoing public protests with the efforts of former government insiders who are willing to formally challenge Trump administration words and actions.” Ex-President Obama, the Post recalled, had on Jan. 27 called for mass protests against Trump.

A second, 23-page Amicus Curiae brief was filed by 16 Democratic State Attorney Generals. This brief was put together by New York State AG Eric Schneiderman, who, Politico reported on Feb. 3, set up a “Get Trump” warroom in his office immediately after the election, with instructions to his staff to prepare to amass material so as to move against Trump as soon as any opportunity presented. Politico called Schneiderman “the leader of the Trump resistance,” asking in its headline, “Will This Man Take Down Donald Trump?”

The New York Times published (Feb. 6) other details on Schneiderman’s organizing of a network of Democratic Party state AG’s to function as a “fourth branch of government” (in the words of New Mexico AG Hector Balderas). The Washington state Amicus Curiae brief is “the first test of the Democratic legal apparatus under the new administration,” Schneiderman told the Times. Hillary Clinton sycophant Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has “exhorted” Schneiderman’s group to see itself as a last line of defense,” according to the Times. No surprise: George Soro’s son, Alex, has been publicly hailing Schneiderman as a courageous fighter against Trump, at least since their August 2016 meeting.

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