The Alternative Fact of the Cashless Society

Why gold will benefit from the alternative fact of the cashless society

  • Alternative facts prevail in the European Commission’s calls for cash controls
  • Terrorism is blamed for the need to control cash
  • Evidence shows criminals find alternative ways to finance activities
  • Citizens continue to want and to use cash in day-to-day life
  • Cashless society is being used to force through other ‘agendas’
  • Gold and silver will be used as savers are forced to hold assets outside of the financial system


Why gold will benefit from the alternative fact of the cashless society

“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”

― George Orwell, 1984

Last week a new phrase was introduced into our lexicon by Trump Adviser Kellyanne Conway. When asked about why press secretary Sean Spicer had made statements that were (according to the press) unverifiable she said that he had used ‘alternative facts’.

This prompted a raft of satire, journalists to flail their arms up at the audacity of Conway and Trump’s administration, and for people to rush out and buy George Orwell’s 1984.

Penguin, the world’s largest publisher, ordered a 75,000 copy reprint last week. Apparently more than the ‘typical reprint’ for the 1949 Orwellian classic. The ‘alternative facts’ statement echoed of ‘Newspeak’ the language used by the totalitarian government in Orwell’s 1984 to influence and control its citizens of Airstrip One (previously Britain).

Read full story here…


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