The peers in the pocket of Europe: Mandy, Kinnock and Co are told to declare their lavish EU pensions before they try to derail Brexit in the Lords

‘Peers with generous EU retirement packages were last night urged to declare them publicly before intervening in this week’s Lords debate on the Brexit Bill.
More than 20 peers who worked in Brussels built up lavish EU pensions.
They include Labour’s Lord Mandelson who will receive almost £35,000 a year thanks to his former job as trade commissioner.
Yesterday he urged his fellow peers not to ‘throw in the towel’ on Brexit despite the clear Commons vote in favour of the Bill allowing Theresa May to trigger Article 50 – the formal mechanism for leaving the EU.’
Read more: The peers in the pocket of Europe: Mandy, Kinnock and Co are told to declare their lavish EU pensions before they try to derail Brexit in the Lords

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