Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, son of a Netanyahu-funding crook, is Israel’s man in the White House

‘Jared Kushner reportedly will be present at the meeting between President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday morning, and the event marks the first opportunity for the quiet presidential adviser to see cemented, at the highest levels, ties that his father first developed with the feisty, controversial Israeli leader in the 1990s—for which he paid dearly.
Kushner’s father, real estate developer Charles Kushner, went to federal prison after a family feud that involved, among other matters, forking over millions of dollars to politicians, including hundreds of thousands in speaking fees to Netanyahu.
In Israel, Netanyahu is the target of a criminal investigation into charges that he took improper gifts from Israeli and foreign businessmen. He has been questioned twice by investigators. Israel’s attorney general, Avichai Mandelblit, issued a statement in January confirming that the probe is now a full-fledged criminal investigation, with the prime minister accused of ethics breaches. The Kushner payments are not known to be part of that investigation.’
Read more: Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, son of a Netanyahu-funding crook, is Israel’s man in the White House

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