What Will The British Medical Journal Do About HPV Vaccine Misinformation?

‘Originally, the HPV vaccine was promoted and pushed as a ‘cervical cancer preventive’ vaccine in girls and then a few years later, those same HPV vaccines morphed into prophylactic vaccines for boys, who don’t have a cervix! Interesting?! However, Big Pharma is never at a loss to spin pseudoscience to its financial benefits so it was able to convince the U.S. HHS/CDC/FDA that boys, too, had to receive the HPV vaccines, with equally devastating results as girls who received HPV vaccines have experienced.
Those vaccine adverse horrors are tracked by S.A.N.E. VAX , whose website lists the horrible side effects of HPV vaccines as reported to the CDC’s VAERS reporting system. As of December 2016, 300 deaths were reported; 14,063 emergency room visits; 4,445 hospitalizations; and the list goes on and on.’
Read more: What Will The British Medical Journal Do About HPV Vaccine Misinformation?

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