Yes, I Defend My Friends

(Excerpted with permission from Dr. Woods’s daily email.)

I feel like I’m back in junior high.

Evidently, there are a few social media threads condemning me for being mean on Twitter. (Follow me @ThomasEWoods.)

“What has become of Tom Woods? Why, he called ______ a pygmy! ______ is a great man and scholar, better than Woods will ever be!”


Yes, I did do that, and no, I don’t regret it.

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It happens that there is a libertarian economist who repeatedly attacks the character of truly great and brilliant libertarian thinkers, people who are very dear to me and who have been loyal friends through thick and thin.

These people do not deserve abuse, particularly from someone who is, objectively, of very little stature by comparison.

When my friends are attacked, I jump to their defense. And since I believe “When on Twitter, do as the Twitterians do,” I sometimes hit back pretty hard.

This has the delicate flowers all upset.

Note what doesn’t have them upset: the fact that this person lashes out at my friends on a regular basis.

No, the only thing that gets them worked up is when I defend my friends against attack.

Well, that ain’t going to change, Charlie.

I don’t go abroad searching for monsters to destroy. But I am the champion and vindicator of the good names of good libertarian friends and scholars.

One person in the thread went so far as to call me a “sad, bitter old man.” (I’m not old! I’m 37, says the guy in the Holy Grail.)

I couldn’t resist responding:

“______ spends his time denouncing decent people and calling them names, but I’m the sad man? I have five beautiful daughters, and I just returned from a cruise with them. I have a huge podcast audience, blurbs from the people I most admire in the world, books published by the most prestigious publishers, and some of the best guests I could ask for.

“What in all this would I be sad about?”

No response, of course.

I don’t start fights like these. I defend myself and my friends when attacked, but I otherwise keep pretty busy with my show and my writing.

The post Yes, I Defend My Friends appeared first on LewRockwell.

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